#!/bin/bash # Copied from: https://github.com/iiab/iiab-factory/blob/master/risky.txt # To install Internet-in-a-Box (IIAB) 8.2 onto Raspberry Pi OS, Ubuntu 24.04+, # Linux Mint 22+ or Debian 12+, run this 1-line installer: # # curl iiab.io/8.2/risky.txt | bash # 1. WARNING: NOOBS IS *NOT* SUPPORTED, as its partitioning is very different. # On a Raspberry Pi, WE RECOMMEND YOU INSTALL THE LATEST RASPBERRY PI OS: # https://www.raspberrypi.com/documentation/computers/getting-started.html # To attempt IIAB 8.2 on another Linux see the manual/legacy instructions: # https://github.com/iiab/iiab/wiki/IIAB-Installation#do-everything-from-scratch # 2. An Ethernet cable is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED during installation, as this is # more reliable than WiFi (and faster!) WARNING: IF YOU CONNECT YOUR IIAB'S # INTERNAL WIFI TO THE INTERNET OVER 5 GHz, YOU'LL PREVENT OLDER LAPTOPS/ # PHONES/TABLETS (WHICH REQUIRE 2.4 GHz) FROM CONNECTING TO YOUR IIAB'S # INTERNAL HOTSPOT. See: "wifi_up_down: True" in /etc/iiab/local_vars.yml # 3. Run 'sudo raspi-config' on Raspberry Pi, to set LOCALISATION OPTIONS # 4. OPTIONAL: if you have slow/pricey Internet, pre-position KA Lite's # mandatory 0.9 GB English Pack (en.zip) within /tmp -- you can grab it from # https://pantry.learningequality.org/downloads/ka-lite/0.17/content/contentpacks/en.zip # 5. Follow on-screen instructions (TYPE 'sudo iiab' TO RESUME IF EVER NECESS!) # 6. Within about 1-2 hours, it will announce that INTERNET-IN-A-BOX (IIAB) # SOFTWARE INSTALL IS COMPLETE, prompting you to reboot...TO ADD CONTENT! # Thanks For Building Your Own Library To Serve One & All # # IIAB 8.2 Release Notes: # https://github.com/iiab/iiab/wiki/IIAB-8.2-Release-Notes # # SPECIAL THANKS to the countries + communities + volunteers who worked non- # stop to bring about IIAB 8.2! https://internet-in-a-box.org/contributing.html # # IIAB Dev Team # http://FAQ.IIAB.IO set -e # Exit on error (avoids snowballing) export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive # Bypass (most!) interactive questions # Save script to /usr/sbin/iiab (easy resume/continue mnemonic 'sudo iiab') sudo mv /usr/sbin/iiab /usr/sbin/iiab.old 2> /dev/null || true # Overrides 'set -e' curl https://iiab.io/8.2/iiab | sudo tee /usr/sbin/iiab > /dev/null #curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/iiab/iiab-factory/master/iiab | sudo tee /usr/sbin/iiab > /dev/null sudo chmod 0755 /usr/sbin/iiab # Run install script! sudo /usr/sbin/iiab --risky "$@" # Pass on all CLI params (PR #s) for # easy community testing -- SEE "Install optional PR's" in /usr/sbin/iiab # EXAMPLE: curl iiab.io/install.txt | bash -s 361 2604 2607